Burial Service

What is a Burial?

Burial was at one time the only option for a funeral service and while cremation has in recent times become more popular, there are still many people who choose the more traditional burial as their funeral of choice.

It involves the deceased being taken from our funeral home in Shropshire to the place of service - a church, the crematorium or other venue and from there to the place of burial, normally at a churchyard or cemetery.

The burial can take place in an existing family plot. This could be, for example, where a spouse is buried. In other cases, a new plot will need to be purchased. 

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What is a burial?
Benefits of a Burial Service in Shropshire


Benefits of a Burial Service in Shropshire

Here are the benefits of choosing a Burial service:

  • Flexibility: The deceased and their family can arrange the service they want at a place of their choosing.
  • Comfort and reassurance: A burial remains the most traditional available service and is conducted in line with faith and beliefs.

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What's Included in Our Burial Service?

Collection of the deceased

Collection of the deceased from the place of death.

Having your own designated funeral director.

Church icon

Arrangements with the church and minister who will conduct the service.


Preparation of the burial plot.


Conveying the deceased to the funeral service and burial site.


Order of service leaflets

We can also help you with:


Information about a stone mason for a grave headstone and choosing a florist.

The Process of Burial in Shropshire

The process of burial involves the following steps:


Contact us to inform us about the death. We will require some basic information about the deceased, including their name, date of birth, and place of death.


We will collect the deceased from the place of death and transport them to our funeral home.


Our funeral director will guide you through the funeral arrangements.


We will take the deceased to the funeral service and then to the place of burial.


How to Arrange a Burial in Shropshire

Arranging a burial is really straightforward when you choose WRR Pugh & Son. You can:

How to Arrange a Burial in Shropshire
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we can arrange for the plot to be reopened but we will need to see the original deed before proceeding.

We can arrange for you to purchase a burial plot but it is important to realise that you may need to consider an alternative site to the one you want as some churches and cemeteries no longer have the capacity for new graves.

We will arrange for your plot to be prepared for burial in advance of the funeral and for a marker to be placed on the grave until a memorial headstone is put up.

The choice of vehicles for the funeral is entirely up to you. We will provide the hearse for the deceased’s final journey and can also provide as many cars as you need for family members. The usual request is for the provision of a car for immediate family while other mourners make their way to the service independently. But the choice is yours.

There may be family or friends who wish to act as pallbearers on the day and accompany the coffin into church and to the graveside, however, we can provide the pallbearers for you if you so wish.

We can provide details and literature of local stone masons we work alongside, including Wilson Memorials (Sandford), Jones and Hughes Monumental Stonemasons (Oswestry), Wrights Memorials (Hadnall), and Stretton Stonemasons (Church Stretton), during the funeral arrangements.

We are able to offer families a bespoke in-house florist service with Forget me Not flowers - based near our offices in Longden Coleham. This specialist service will meet all your floral requirements.

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