
The complete guide to funeral services in Shropshire: Everything you need to know
15 Dec 2023

There are a range of choices when it comes to organising a funeral service in Shropshire and you can always depend on WRR Pugh & Son to meet all your requirements from our family business premises right here in Shrewsbury.

The wishes of the deceased are of course the top priority in any arrangements and oftentimes will have been made known to family members or directly to the funeral director in advance.

Close relationship

Funeral arrangements are generally organised by ourselves working closely with the family to ensure all the wishes of the deceased are carried out - ensuring everything goes to plan and as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Sometimes wishes are not made known and the family are unclear about how to proceed, or someone is thinking about putting plans in place for their own funeral and are not sure what type of service they want. So here is a guide that covers everything you need to know about types of services available in Shropshire:

Committal services:

Burial - The deceased is taken into our care at our funeral home in Shrewsbury and then, at a date and time arranged, conveyed to a place of service - a church, the crematorium or other venue. After the service the deceased is taken for burial at their final resting place, usually at a cemetery or churchyard.

Natural burial - An increasingly popular type of service and one that is environmentally-friendly. An eco burial usually follows a funeral service with the deceased carried to the natural burial site in a biodegradable coffin and buried in a green and rural setting. No embalming of the body is permitted and in the case of burial of ashes after cremation, the ashes will be put into a biodegradable casket.

Cremation - The deceased is taken into our care at our funeral home in Shrewsbury and at a time and date arranged is taken to the crematorium for a service and committal. The remains are cremated that same day and the ashes returned to the family for disposal or scattered in the cemetery’s garden of remembrance. Sometimes, a service can be held at another venue before the deceased is taken to the crematorium.

Direct cremation - We collect the deceased from the place of death and make arrangements to take them to a crematorium for cremation. There is no service or mourners at a direct cremation but we can return the ashes to the family if requested.

Choosing a service

Having selected your choice of committal, you will need to decide on the most appropriate service to honour the deceased. This could be:

Religious - Probably the one that the majority of us are most familiar with. It usually involves a vicar, priest or other ordained person officiating at a funeral service in a place of worship before the cremation or burial of the body.

Humanist - A non-religious gathering which concentrates on the deceased’s life and story. It centres on the belief that we should each be remembered for the way in which we live our lives and respect others. The service focuses on a presentation based on stories, memories and testimonials about the deceased.

Celebrant - A funeral celebrant takes charge at what is basically a non-religious  service. They help to plan the event with the deceased’s family and funeral director and then lead the service, filling the role of a minister or other ordained person normally associated with a religious service.

WRR Pugh & Son Service Chapel in Shrewsbury - An easier, more flexible alternative to a service at a church or crematorium, we are able to host your funeral at our private service chapel. The chapel can seat up to 40 people and provides onsite parking and disabled access. It can be arranged to meet individual requirements and will allow for greater flexibility in choosing the time and day of your funeral service - avoiding delays which can build up at a crematorium.

There for the journey

Your WRR Pugh & Son funeral director in Shrewsbury is here to guide you through all the funeral service options - it’s part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the best possible service to the deceased in our care and their families.

Let us help ease the burden associated with arranging a funeral by placing yourself in our hands. It is what we do best and what we have been doing successfully in Shropshire for more than 130 years.